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SE Ohio, a bow hunting paradise. ohio outfitter
We are located in SE Ohio in the heart of BIG BUCK COUNTRY and offer fully guided Whitetail deer bow hunts on private property. Our main focus is on low hunting pressure. Hunting pressure is limited and game is plentiful. To ensure low hunting pressure, we limit the number of hunters (2-4 hunters per hunt) and rotate farms. Bow hunting only, no gun hunting on our property except during Turkey season. Our properties remain low pressure properties all season. The result is quality hunts over quantity hunts. With all that being said, it is still fair chase hunting. It is not easy to get up close to a mature buck but it is doable. You can bet we are working hard and doing everything we can to make your hunt a success!!! When you hunt with us, you will be hunting a fresh set guaranteed!!! Another bonus is that SE Ohio is a downright gorgeous place to spend a day in the woods.
We are a perfect fit for small groups or individuals looking for some quality bow hunting. Look over our website and feel free to call and ask questions or go ahead and book a hunt with us. We look forward to having a good time and chasing big Ohio bucks with you!!! THE BEST BOW HUNTING OUTFITTER IN SE OHIO